How To Make Mango Sticky Rice?

Mango sticky rice is a popular Thai dessert that has gained popularity all over the world. This sweet and creamy dish is made with glutinous rice, fresh mangoes, and coconut milk. It’s a perfect blend of flavors that will leave you craving for more.

The history of mango sticky rice dates back to the 13th century when Thailand was ruled by the Sukhothai Kingdom. During this time, sticky rice was considered a staple food in Thailand, and it was often served with various accompaniments such as curries or fruits. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that mangoes were introduced to Thailand from India, which led to the creation of this delicious dessert.

Mango sticky rice has become an integral part of Thai cuisine and culture. It’s often served during special occasions such as festivals or weddings. In fact, there’s even a National Mango Day celebrated in Thailand on May 15th every year! The dish has also gained popularity outside of Thailand and can now be found in many Thai restaurants around the world.

How To Make Thai Mango Sticky Rice - ThaiChef food


If you want to make delicious mango sticky rice, you will need the following ingredients:

Ingredient Amount
Glutinous rice 1 cup
Coconut milk 1 can (13. 5 oz)
Sugar 1/2 cup
Salt 1/4 tsp
Mangoes 2 ripe mangoes

You can find these ingredients at your local grocery store or Asian market. Glutinous rice is also known as sticky rice and can be found in the Asian section of most grocery stores. Coconut milk is usually located in the baking aisle or canned goods section. Mangoes are typically found in the produce section.

  • Note: It’s important to use glutinous rice for this recipe because it has a higher starch content than regular rice, which gives it its signature sticky texture.
  • Tips:
    • You can substitute palm sugar or brown sugar for white sugar if you prefer a more natural sweetener.
    • If you don’t have access to fresh mangoes, you can use canned mango slices instead.
    • To enhance the flavor of your coconut sauce, try adding pandan leaves or vanilla extract while cooking.

Please note: – Mango sticky rice is a traditional Thai dessert that combines sweet, sticky rice with fresh mango slices.

Preparation of Rice

Before making mango sticky rice, it is important to prepare the glutinous rice properly. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Soaking: Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 4 hours or overnight. This will help soften the rice and make it easier to cook.
  • Rinsing: After soaking, rinse the rice thoroughly with cold water until the water runs clear. This will remove excess starch and prevent the rice from becoming too sticky.
  • Cooking: There are two ways to cook glutinous rice: using a steamer or a pot. To use a steamer, place the soaked and rinsed rice in a steaming basket lined with cheesecloth. Steam for about 25-30 minutes until fully cooked. To use a pot, add the soaked and rinsed rice to a pot with enough water to cover it by about an inch. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for about 20-25 minutes until fully cooked.
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Once the glutinous rice is cooked, it should be fluffy and slightly sticky but not mushy. It is now ready to be mixed with coconut sauce and served with sliced mangoes.

Please note: – The key to making perfect mango sticky rice is using the right type of rice – typically glutinous or sweet rice – which can be found at most Asian grocery stores.

Making the Coconut Sauce

If you want to make a delicious mango sticky rice, you need to have a good coconut sauce. The sauce is what gives the dish its unique flavor and texture. Here are the ingredients you will need:

Ingredients Amount
Coconut milk 1 can (13. 5 oz)
Sugar 1/4 cup
Salt 1/4 tsp
Rice flour or cornstarch 1 tbsp

To make the coconut sauce, follow these steps:

  1. In a small pot, combine the coconut milk, sugar, and salt.
  2. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves completely.
  3. In a small bowl, mix together the rice flour or cornstarch with a little bit of water to create a slurry.
  4. Add the slurry to the pot and whisk everything together until smooth.
  5. Cook for another minute or two until the mixture thickens slightly.
  6. Remove from heat and let cool before serving with your mango sticky rice.

The coconut sauce should be creamy and slightly sweet with just a hint of saltiness. It should also have a thick consistency that coats the back of a spoon. If it’s too thin, add more rice flour or cornstarch. If it’s too thick, add a little bit more coconut milk. Adjust the sweetness and saltiness to your liking.

Please note: – To make the coconut milk sauce that gives the dish its signature flavor, you’ll need to simmer coconut milk with sugar and salt until it thickens and becomes slightly caramelized.

Preparing the Mangoes

Mango sticky rice is a dessert that is incomplete without ripe and juicy mangoes. Choosing the right mangoes for this recipe is crucial to achieve its authentic taste. Here are some tips on how to select the perfect mangoes for your dish:

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Name Characteristics
Alphonso Sweet, fragrant, and juicy with a creamy texture.
Kesar Firm, sweet, and aromatic with a bright orange color.
Ataulfo Small, yellow, and sweet with a buttery texture.

When selecting mangoes for this recipe, look for ones that are ripe but not overripe. Overripe mangoes can be too soft and mushy, making them difficult to slice and handle. A ripe mango should have a slight give when gently pressed. To prepare the mangoes for the recipe:

  1. Wash the mangoes thoroughly under running water.
  2. Peel the skin off using a vegetable peeler or sharp knife.
  3. Cut off both ends of the fruit to create a flat base.
  4. Stand it upright on one end and slice down along one side of the pit to remove one half of the fruit.
  5. Repeat on the other side of the pit to remove another half of fruit.
  6. Slice each half into thin pieces or bite-sized cubes as per your preference.

Remember to handle the mangoes gently as they can be easily bruised. With these tips, you can now prepare the perfect mangoes for your delicious mango sticky rice dessert.

Please note: – Once your rice is cooked and your sauce is ready, all that’s left to do is slice up some ripe mangoes and serve them alongside the warm, sweet rice and drizzle with the coconut milk sauce.

Mixing It All Together

Now that we have cooked the rice, made the coconut sauce, and sliced the mangoes, it’s time to combine everything together to make the delicious mango sticky rice. To start, take a large mixing bowl and add in all of the cooked glutinous rice. Next, pour in the coconut sauce over the rice and use a spatula to mix everything together thoroughly. Make sure that every grain of rice is coated with the sweet and creamy coconut sauce.

Once you have mixed in the coconut sauce, it’s time to add in the sliced mangoes. Gently fold in the mango slices into the rice mixture until they are evenly distributed throughout. Be careful not to mash or break up any of the mango pieces as you mix them in.

If you want to add some extra texture or flavor to your mango sticky rice, you can also sprinkle on some toasted sesame seeds or chopped roasted peanuts at this point. These toppings will add a nice crunch and nuttiness to balance out the sweetness of the dish.

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After everything has been mixed together thoroughly, cover your mixing bowl with plastic wrap and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow all of the flavors to meld together and for any excess moisture from the coconut sauce to be absorbed by the rice.

Once your mango sticky rice has had a chance to rest, give it one final stir before serving. You can serve it warm or chilled depending on your preference. To serve, scoop generous portions into individual bowls or plates and garnish with additional slices of fresh mango or other fruits if desired.

Please note: – While mango sticky rice is traditionally served as a dessert, it can also be enjoyed as a breakfast or brunch dish, especially if you add some extra fruit or nuts for added texture and flavor.

Serving Mango Sticky Rice

Now that you have made your delicious mango sticky rice, it’s time to present it in a way that is visually appealing and enhances the overall experience. Here are some presentation tips for serving mango sticky rice:

Presentation Tip Description
Use a small bowl or cup Mango sticky rice is traditionally served in a small bowl or cup, which helps to contain the sweet coconut sauce and prevents it from spilling over.
Garnish with fresh mint leaves Adding a few fresh mint leaves on top of the mango sticky rice not only adds a pop of color but also gives a refreshing aroma to the dish.
Slice the mangoes beautifully The way you slice your mangoes can make all the difference in how your dish looks. Try slicing them thinly and arranging them in an attractive pattern on top of the rice.

In addition to presentation, there are some accompaniments that pair well with mango sticky rice:

  • Coconut Ice Cream: The creamy texture of coconut ice cream complements the sweetness of the mango sticky rice perfectly.
  • Fresh Berries: Adding fresh berries such as strawberries or blueberries on top of your dish can add an extra burst of flavor and color.
  • Candied Nuts: Candied nuts such as almonds or cashews add a crunchy texture to the dish and balance out the sweetness of the rice.

By following these presentation tips and pairing your mango sticky rice with complementary accompaniments, you can elevate this traditional Thai dessert into a beautiful and memorable experience for your guests.