How To Pick A Good Mango?

Mangos are one of the most popular fruits in the world, known for their sweet and juicy flavor. However, picking a good mango can be a challenge for many people. A ripe mango will have a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, while an unripe or overripe mango can be unpleasant to eat.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of picking a good mango and the factors to consider when selecting one. Whether you’re a seasoned mango lover or trying it for the first time, these tips will help you choose the best fruit every time.

Choosing and Ripening Mangos


When it comes to picking a good mango, appearance is an important factor to consider. Here are some characteristics to look for:

  • Color: The color of a mango can vary depending on the variety, but in general, a ripe mango should have a vibrant color. For example, the Tommy Atkins variety will have a deep red or orange color when ripe, while the Ataulfo variety will be more golden yellow.
  • Texture of the skin: A ripe mango should have smooth skin that is free from blemishes or bruises. The skin should also be slightly soft to the touch, but not mushy.
  • Size and shape: Mangos come in different sizes and shapes depending on the variety. However, regardless of size or shape, a good mango should feel heavy for its size and have a plump shape.

By paying attention to these appearance characteristics, you can ensure that you are selecting a high-quality mango that will taste delicious.

Please note: – The color of a mango is not always an indicator of ripeness, as some varieties remain green even when fully ripe.


When it comes to picking a good mango, the sense of smell can be your best friend. Smelling a mango before buying it is important because it can help you identify whether or not the fruit is ripe. A ripe mango should have a sweet, fruity aroma that is noticeable even before you bring it close to your nose.

To identify a ripe mango by its smell, hold the fruit up to your nose and take a deep breath in. If the scent is strong and sweet, with no hint of sourness or fermentation, then the mango is likely ripe and ready to eat. On the other hand, if there is little to no aroma coming from the fruit, or if there is a sour or unpleasant odor present, then the mango may not be fully ripe yet.

It’s important to note that different varieties of mangos will have slightly different smells depending on their ripeness and flavor profile. For example, some varieties may have a more floral scent when they are fully ripe, while others may have a more musky or earthy aroma.

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In addition to helping you pick out a good mango at the store or market, smelling mangos can also be an enjoyable sensory experience in itself. Take some time to appreciate the unique aromas of different varieties of mangos and see if you can detect any subtle differences between them.

Please note: – A good mango should have a sweet aroma at the stem end, indicating that it is ripe and ready to eat.

Firmness of the Mango

When it comes to picking a good mango, checking for firmness is crucial. A ripe mango should be slightly soft to the touch, but not mushy. If the mango feels too hard, it may not be ripe yet and will need more time to ripen. On the other hand, if the mango feels too soft or squishy, it may be overripe and will have a mushy texture when eaten. To check for firmness, gently press on the mango with your fingertips.

The skin should give slightly without leaving any indentations or bruises. If you feel any soft spots or bruises on the mango, it may be a sign that the fruit is damaged or starting to spoil. It’s important to note that different varieties of mangos may have varying degrees of firmness even when they are ripe. For example, some varieties like Ataulfo mangos are naturally softer than others like Tommy Atkins mangos.

By paying attention to firmness and checking for any soft spots or bruises, you can ensure that you’re selecting a high-quality mango that will taste delicious when you’re ready to eat it.

Please note: – When selecting a mango, look for one that feels heavy for its size, as this indicates that it is juicy and full of flavor.


Knowing when a mango is ripe is crucial to enjoying its sweet, juicy flavor. Here are some signs to look for:

  • The skin should be mostly yellow or red, depending on the variety.
  • The fruit should give slightly when gently squeezed.
  • You should be able to smell the sweet aroma of the mango from the stem end.

If you happen to buy an unripe mango, don’t worry! You can easily ripen it at home. Here’s how:

  1. Place the mango in a paper bag with an apple or banana.
  2. Close the bag and leave it at room temperature for a day or two.
  3. Check on the mango daily until it is ripe and ready to eat.
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It’s important not to refrigerate an unripe mango, as this will slow down the ripening process. Once your mango is ripe, you can store it in the refrigerator for a few days to extend its shelf life.

Ripe Mango Unripe Mango
Skin is mostly yellow or red Skin is mostly green
Gives slightly when gently squeezed Feels firm when gently squeezed
Sweet aroma from stem end No noticeable aroma

In summary, knowing how to pick and ripen a mango can make all the difference in enjoying this delicious fruit. By following these tips, you’ll be able to choose a ripe mango and ripen an unripe one at home with ease.

Please note: – Avoid mangos with soft spots or bruises, as these may indicate that the fruit is overripe or damaged.


There are many different types of mangos available, each with their own unique characteristics and flavors. Here are some of the most popular varieties:

Variety Characteristics Flavor
Ataulfo (aka Honey Mango) Small, oblong shape; yellow skin; small pit; juicy flesh Sweet, creamy, less fibrous than other varieties
Haden Oval shape; green skin that turns red and yellow when ripe; medium-sized pit; firm flesh Sweet with a hint of tartness; juicy and fibrous texture
Kent Oval shape; green skin that turns dark red when ripe; large pit; firm flesh Sweet with a rich flavor and smooth texture; less fibrous than other varieties
  • Keitt: Large oval shape, green skin that remains green even when ripe, large pit, sweet and slightly tart flavor.
  • Tommy Atkins: Large oval shape, red and green skin when ripe, medium-sized pit, mild sweet flavor.
  • Mangifera Indica: Also known as the common mango or Indian mango. It is the most widely cultivated mango variety in the world. It has an oval shape with a reddish-green skin when ripe. The flesh is sweet and fibrous.

When choosing a mango variety, consider what you plan to use it for. Some varieties are better suited for eating fresh, while others are ideal for cooking or making into smoothies. Experiment with different varieties to find your favorite!

Please note: – To test the ripeness of a mango, gently press on the skin with your fingertips – if it gives slightly under pressure, it is likely ready to eat.


If you’re a mango lover, you know that the taste and quality of a mango can vary depending on when and where it was grown. Understanding the seasonality of mangos can help you choose the best time to buy them and ensure that you get the freshest fruit possible.

Best Time to Buy Mangos

The peak season for mangos in the United States is typically from May to September, with some variation depending on the region. During this time, you’ll find a wide variety of mangos available in grocery stores and farmers markets. However, if you’re looking for the absolute best flavor and quality, it’s important to pay attention to where your mangos are coming from.

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Availability in Different Regions

Mangos are grown in many different regions around the world, each with its own unique climate and growing conditions. Some of the top mango-producing countries include India, Mexico, Thailand, and Brazil. Depending on where you live, you may have access to mangos from one or more of these regions throughout the year.

Region Peak Season Varieties
India April – June Alphonso, Kesar, Totapuri
Mexico March – July Ataulfo (Honey), Tommy Atkins, Kent
Thailand May – August Nam Doc Mai, Keow Savoey
Brazil August – December Palmer, Tommy Atkins, Haden

As you can see from the table above, different regions have different peak seasons and varieties of mangos. If you’re looking for a specific type of mango or want to try something new, it’s worth doing some research to find out where and when those mangos are available.

In general, it’s best to buy mangos that are in season and grown locally whenever possible. This will ensure that the fruit is fresh and hasn’t been sitting in storage or traveling long distances. However, if you can’t find local mangos or want to try something from another region, look for fruits that are firm but yield slightly to pressure and have a sweet aroma at the stem end.


Proper storage is key to extending the shelf life of mangos. Here are some tips to keep your mangos fresh:

How to store mangos properly

  • Store ripe mangos in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process.
  • Keep unripe mangos at room temperature until they ripen, then transfer them to the refrigerator.
  • Avoid storing mangos near other fruits that produce ethylene gas, such as apples and bananas, as this can cause them to ripen too quickly.

Tips for extending the shelf life

  • Handle mangos gently to avoid bruising or damaging the skin.
  • Wash and dry mangos before storing them.
  • If you have a large quantity of ripe mangos, consider freezing them for later use. Simply peel and slice the mango, then place it in an airtight container or freezer bag. Frozen mango can be used in smoothies, desserts, or as a topping for oatmeal or yogurt.

Mango Storage Comparison

Room Temperature Refrigerator Freezer
Ripe Mangos X
Unripe Mangos X

By following these storage tips, you can enjoy fresh, delicious mangos for longer periods of time.