How To Pick Out A Mango?

How To Pick Out The Best Mango | Frugivore Skills

Mangos are a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, from smoothies to salads to simply eating them on their own. However, picking out the perfect mango can be a challenge if you don’t know what to look for. Choosing an unripe or overripe mango can result in disappointment and a less than satisfactory eating experience.

That’s why it’s important to learn how to pick out a ripe mango. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about selecting the best mangos, including appearance, smell, touch, weight, varieties, seasonality, and storage. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge you need to confidently choose the perfect mango every time.


When it comes to picking out a ripe mango, appearance is key. A ripe mango will have a vibrant color and smooth texture. The skin should be a deep shade of yellow or orange with red or green undertones depending on the variety. Avoid mangos with any signs of bruising or blemishes as this can indicate overripeness or damage during transportation. Additionally, the texture of a ripe mango should be firm but yielding when gently pressed.

If the fruit feels too hard, it may still be unripe and lacking in flavor. On the other hand, if the fruit feels overly soft or mushy, it may be overripe and starting to spoil. By paying attention to these visual and tactile cues, you can ensure that you select a mango that is perfectly ripe and ready to eat.

Please note: – The color of a mango is not always an indicator of ripeness. Some varieties, such as the Ataulfo mango, remain yellow even when fully ripe.


When it comes to picking out a ripe mango, the sense of smell is an important tool. A sweet and fragrant aroma is a good indication that the mango is ripe and ready to eat. The smell of an unripe mango will be more subtle and less sweet, while an overripe mango may have a sour or fermented odor.

To get the full experience of the mango’s aroma, hold it up to your nose and take a deep breath. If you can’t smell anything, the mango may not be ripe yet. It’s also important to note that different varieties of mangos will have slightly different smells.

Variety Aroma
Ataulfo Sweet and floral
Haden Fruity and tropical
Kent Mild and sweet

If you’re unsure about the aroma of a particular variety, ask someone at the store for assistance or do some research beforehand. Remember that a strong, pleasant aroma is a good sign that the mango is ripe and delicious.

Please note: – A ripe mango should give slightly when gently squeezed, similar to a ripe avocado.


Feeling a mango is one of the best ways to determine its ripeness. Start by gently pressing on the fruit with your fingertips. A ripe mango should give slightly, but not be too soft. If it feels mushy or overly soft, it may be overripe and starting to spoil. On the other hand, if it feels hard and unyielding, it is likely unripe and will need more time to mature before eating.

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Another way to check for ripeness is by giving the mango a gentle squeeze near the stem end. A ripe mango should have a slight give in this area without feeling too squishy or bruised. Remember that different varieties of mangos may have slightly different textures when ripe, so it’s important to get familiar with the specific type you’re buying. By using your sense of touch, you can avoid purchasing mangos that are either too hard or too soft and ensure that you’re getting a fruit that’s at its peak ripeness for optimal flavor and texture.

Please note: – The stem end of a mango can also provide clues to its ripeness. If it smells sweet and fruity, it’s likely ready to eat.


When it comes to picking out a ripe mango, weight is an important factor to consider. A ripe mango should feel heavy for its size, indicating that it is juicy and full of flavor. Comparing the weight of different mangos can help you identify which ones are the most ripe and ready to eat.

One way to compare the weight of mangos is by using a kitchen scale. Simply weigh each mango and take note of their weights. Keep in mind that different varieties of mangos will have different average weights, so it’s important to know what type of mango you’re dealing with.

Mango Variety Average Weight (ounces)
Ataulfo 6-8
Haden 16-24
Kent 12-20
Tommy Atkins 18-32

In addition to using a scale, you can also compare the weight of mangos by holding them in your hand. A ripe mango should feel heavier than an unripe one or one that has started to spoil. However, be careful not to squeeze the mango too hard as this can cause bruising and damage.

By paying attention to the weight of mangos and comparing them against each other, you can ensure that you’re selecting the most delicious and ripe fruit for your enjoyment.

Please note: – Mangoes continue to ripen after they are picked, so if you buy an unripe one, you can speed up the process by placing it in a paper bag at room temperature for a few days.


When it comes to mangos, there are many different varieties to choose from. Each variety has its own unique characteristics that make it stand out from the rest. Here are some of the most popular mango varieties and what makes them special:

  • Alphonso: Known as the “king of mangoes,” Alphonso mangos are prized for their sweet, rich flavor and creamy texture.
  • Kent: Kent mangos have a sweet, juicy flesh with a mild flavor. They’re also known for their large size and oval shape.
  • Haden: Haden mangos have a bright red skin with green and yellow accents. They’re sweet and tangy with a firm flesh.
  • Ataulfo: Also known as champagne or honey mangos, Ataulfo mangos have a smooth, buttery texture and a sweet, non-fibrous flesh.
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When choosing a mango variety, consider your taste preferences. If you like sweeter fruit, go for an Alphonso or Ataulfo mango. If you prefer something milder, try a Kent mango. And if you want something with a bit of tanginess, go for a Haden mango.

In addition to these popular varieties, there are also many lesser-known types of mangos to explore. Some other varieties include the Keitt mango, which is known for its large size and juicy flesh; the Tommy Atkins mango, which has an orange-red skin and firm flesh; and the Valencia Pride mango, which has a sweet flavor with hints of citrus.

No matter which variety you choose, be sure to look for signs of ripeness such as color, texture, and fragrance. And don’t be afraid to try something new!

Please note: – Different types of mangoes have different flavors and textures. For example, the Tommy Atkins variety is often less sweet than other types but has a firmer texture that holds up well in cooking.


As a tropical fruit, mangos have a specific growing season that varies depending on the region. In general, mango season runs from April to September in the United States, with peak season falling between June and August. During this time, you can find a wide variety of ripe and delicious mangos at your local grocery store or farmer’s market.

Tips for selecting the best mangos during peak season:

  • Look for mangos that are firm but yield slightly to pressure when squeezed gently.
  • Avoid mangos with bruises or soft spots, as they may be overripe or damaged.
  • Choose mangos with a fragrant aroma at the stem end – this is a sign of ripeness.
  • Check the color of the mango – it should be bright and vibrant, indicating that it is fully ripe.
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If you’re not sure which variety of mango to choose, here are some popular options:

Variety Description
Ataulfo (aka Honey Mango) Small and sweet with creamy flesh and thin skin. Perfect for snacking or making smoothies.
Haden Larger size with juicy flesh and sweet flavor. Great for eating fresh or using in recipes.
Kent Oval-shaped with rich flavor and fiber-free flesh. Ideal for grilling or using in salsas.

When selecting mangos, it’s important to keep in mind that they will continue to ripen after being picked. If you want to enjoy your mangos right away, choose ones that are fully ripe. If you prefer them slightly firmer, select mangos that are just starting to ripen and allow them to finish at home.


Proper storage techniques are crucial to ensure that your mangos ripen at home and don’t spoil before you get a chance to enjoy them. Mangos should be stored at room temperature until they are ripe, which can take anywhere from 2-7 days depending on the level of ripeness when purchased.

To speed up the ripening process, place mangos in a paper bag with an apple or banana. These fruits release ethylene gas, which helps to ripen the mango more quickly. Once the mango is ripe, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.

It’s important to handle mangos gently to avoid bruising or damaging the fruit. Avoid stacking heavy objects on top of mangos or squeezing them too tightly when storing.

If you have a large quantity of mangos that you want to store for an extended period of time, consider freezing them. To freeze mangos, peel and slice them into bite-sized pieces and place them in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Freeze for several hours until solid, then transfer the frozen pieces to a freezer-safe container or bag.

When thawing frozen mangos, allow them to defrost in the refrigerator overnight rather than using a microwave or other quick-thaw method. This will help preserve their texture and flavor.

By following these proper storage techniques, you can extend the shelf life of your mangos and enjoy their sweet flavor for days or even weeks after purchase!